Hi Everyone,
This is to let everyone know preorders are now being taken on the
cookbook we have just written to raise a lump sum donation for guide
dog schools and there guide dog programs. These cookbooks are not for
sale but a donation per book is requested in the amount of $5.00 for
the copy that is in WORD format and $10.00, which includes S&H for the
physical hard copy. The cookbook contains 150 of our member's most
loved recipes such as: Aunt June's Chicken Pasta salad with poppy seed
dressing and Granny's Picked Corn. Let me give you some insight into
our organization so that you may understand the DRIVE behind this
charity. I am a volunteer at www.thepuppyplace.
originally constructed as an information gateway for people wanting
information about blind schools and guide dogs for the blind.
Last year the puppy place was included in a ladies last will and
testament, since the amount was not enough to sponsor a guide dog
puppy <$25 Grand> we decided to pool this money into writing a
cookbook dedicated to sponsor a guide dog puppy and any monies left
over the school can use it as they see fit. We submitted our cookbook
to Morris Publisher's a few weeks ago and they suggested Presales of
the cookbook so that is why I am sending out this email, the cookbook
will be shipped to us to send out to customer's around the end of
January. I will also assure you that the recipes are simple and easy
as that is the ONLY way I use to cook at my old country restaurant.
All the Volunteers who put recipes in the cookbook are proud of them
and they are all TRIED AND TRUE.
If you need any addition information PLEASE feel free to email me at
any time. And YES any donations we receive ALL go to sponsor a guide
dog puppy and/or a blind school. These schools stay open and are
solely run on donations ONLY no federal or state funding is available
to help them, yet they never charge a student or there families a dime
for a dog Etc.
UPDATE 12/5/08: Have just received our "Cookbook Proof" from Morris
today. I have posted a cover copy as well as a list of the recipes
inside the book on my blog the address is
so please check it out to see what's cookin' at the puppy place.
Don't have WORD on your computer but still would like the cookbook? No
Problem go to http://www.openoffi
software that let's you open Microsoft programs.
We have only ordered 200 physical copies for our 1st printing and they
are going fast so:
To reserve you're physical copy of the cookbook(s) using PAYPAL for
the $10.00 Donation or $5.00 for the WORD copy sent to your email address:
The paypal email address is conniec@thepuppypla
Using Snail Mail (Hard Copy ONLY):
Send your name, address and how many cookbooks you want and the $10
donation per book (US Money Orders or a personal check) to:
The Puppy Place
C/O Connie Carpenter <Cookbook Chairman>
3270 Snow Creek Road
Bakersville, NC 28705
NOTES: Please even if you don't need the cookbook consider donating
any amount for this cause there are schools and programs closing
everyday from lack of funding. This is like helping a blind individual
see again. All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and you will
receive a receipt as proof of your kind donation.
You can also help by making a post about our cookbook drive to your
Blog, Group(s) Etc. if you wish.
Also DO NOT reply to this post or email me threw this post as I will
not get it use the email address below and keep this off group PLEASE.
Thank you my dear friends and May god bless and keep you,
Connie C
Matthew 21:21,22
So Jesus answered and said to them, "Assuredly, I say to you, if you
have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the
fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, `Be removed and be
cast into the sea,' it will be done
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith."

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